Articles for category: World News

Bobby Cirus

Frank Schwabe, the federal commissioner for religious freedom and belief, visited Iraq.

Frank Schwabe, the federal commissioner for religious freedom and belief, visited Iraq.

See also Display image information Hide image information Workers at the construction site of Azadi Hospital in Dohuk, April 2018 copyright© Ute Grabowsky / Frank Schwabe, Religion and Faith Coordinator: “Providing the Ezidi community with a future prospect for their homeland remains a key issue for the federal government, especially since the Bundestag officially ...

Bobby Cirus

The Federal Parliament celebrates its 75th anniversary.

The Federal Parliament celebrates its 75th anniversary.

The Bundestag celebrated its 75th anniversary with a grand ceremony at the historic site of Bonn last Saturday. The state representatives met in the Bundestag chamber, exactly where the first meeting took place on September 7, 1949. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and French Senate President Gérard Larché, the second in command of protocol, visited the ...

Bobby Cirus

Firefighters are preparing for a multi-day operation in Brocken.

Firefighters are preparing for a multi-day operation in Brocken.

The extinguishment effort at Brocken in the Harz region is expected to take several days. Operations manager Immo Kramer told German news agencies that troops are being mobilized from sunrise to sunset for the next few days. “We are preparing for an operation that will last several days.” At first, wind is expected, not rain. ...

Bobby Cirus

Minister Svenja Schulze at the China-Africa Summit

Minister Svenja Schulze at the China-Africa Summit

“The China-Africa Summit is an expression of the new multipolar world order. African countries do not want to be tied down and are free to decide who and where to work. African countries with their young populations and abundant renewable energy and raw materials are also important partners for us in Europe. That is why ...

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