Ruslan Elberg, 15 years old, organic damage to the central nervous system, requires treatment. 216,763 rubles
Attention! The cost of the treatment is 240,763 rubles. Viewers of the Altai State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company will collect 24 thousand rubles.
At birth, Ruslan suffered from a lack of oxygen and his brain was damaged. The son had a developmental delay, did not try to speak and did not take care of himself until he was nine years old. Thanks to Rusfond, he is being treated at the Institute of Medical Technology (IMT, Moscow). The results are good: Ruslan has become calmer, has acquired self-care skills, fulfills simple requests, learns letters and draws. But his speech is developing poorly: he has mastered only a few words. I think you can help your son: make him more independent, teach him to speak. We need to continue the treatment and again I turn to you for support. Lyazzat Alipayeva, Altai Territory
IMT Neurologist Olga Rymareva (Moscow): “To develop Ruslan’s speech skills, increase his vocabulary and improve concentration, treatment should be continued.”
Zlata Chernykh, 5 months, congenital skull deformity, requires treatment with special helmets. 172,940 rubles
Attention! The cost of the treatment is 203,940 rubles. The viewers of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company “Kuban” will collect 31 thousand rubles.
Recently, doctors diagnosed my daughter with premature fusion of the parietal bones and explained that she had a dangerous deformation of the skull and needed urgent surgical treatment, otherwise the rapidly growing brain would not be able to develop, which could have serious consequences. Zlata was operated on: the poorly fused bones were separated. But now she needs to wear special orthopedic helmets, and I cannot afford them. I have to ask for help. Sergei Chernykh, Krasnodar region
Head of the Vitaly Roginsky Maxillofacial Surgery Center (Moscow)): “Zlata has a skull deformity – scaphocephaly. After surgery to reconstruct the bones of the cranial vault, she needs to correct the shape of her head using cranial orthoses (helmets). As a result of the treatment, the head will acquire an anatomically correct shape, the girl will grow and develop normally.”
Angelina Fedotova, 1 year old, congenital foot deformity, requires surgical treatment. 258,580 rubles
Attention! The cost of the treatment is 294,580 rubles. Viewers of the Nizhny Novgorod State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company will collect 36 thousand rubles.
Angelina has clubfoot: her feet have been very turned and bent since birth, and her left knee does not bend properly. My daughter received treatment for a long time, but her feet were not completely straightened. At the Yaroslavl clinic, Angelina is ready to straighten both feet during an operation, and during staged casts, doctors also hope to achieve knee flexion. But I cannot afford this treatment: I am raising four children alone. Valentina Fedotova, Nizhny Novgorod region
Traumatologist-orthopedist of Konstanta Clinic LLC Ilya Gromov (Yaroslavl): “We are planning a surgical treatment: posterior release (release of muscles, ligaments and tendons) of both feet. Before the operation, we will perform a phased cycle of casts using the Ponseti method with gradual flexion of the knee joint.”
Sasha Korobova, 7 years old, osteogenesis imperfecta, treatment required. 200,638 rubles
Attention! The cost of the treatment is 550,638 rubles. Users of the charity service have contributed 350 thousand rubles.
My daughter took her first steps late, walked like a duck, stuck out her chest, and fell many times. She started to feel pain in her legs, and then her back started to hurt a lot. The geneticist suggested that Sasha has osteogenesis imperfecta – abnormal bone fragility. Tests confirmed the diagnosis. My daughter was started on bisphosphonates, she felt better and was able to walk. But soon she fell and broke her femur. The hip became deformed, the leg became 6 cm shorter. Now Sasha cannot walk, it hurts to sit. At the GMS clinic (Moscow) they are ready to perform an operation to correct leg deformities, but a course of therapy is required first. We cannot afford the treatment – help! Kristina Korobova, Moscow
Pediatrician at the Center for Congenital Pathology of the Global Medical System Clinic (GMS Clinic, Moscow) Tatyana Khasyanova: “Sasha has a severe form of osteogenesis imperfecta. She has not walked since early 2023. In order for the girl to have a chance to walk again, she needs to undergo treatment with bisphosphonates and rehabilitation, and then undergo surgery to correct bone deformities in her legs.”
Mail of the week 09/13/2024 – 09/19/2024
Letters received – 65
Hired – 48
Submitted to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation – 0
Responses received from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation – 1