Zbigniew Bogucki is a Morning Talk guest on RMF FM

Regina Pierce

Zbigniew Bogucki is a Morning Talk guest on RMF FM

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Robert Mazurek’s guest in the Morning Conversation on RMF FM on Wednesday will be Zbigniew Bogucki, MP from Law and Justice. We will talk among other things: about the upcoming changes in the PiS leadership after the congress in Przysucha or about the floods in southwestern Poland.

We will talk to our guest about the upcoming changes in the leadership of the largest opposition party after the congress in Przysucha. We will also ask about PiS finances and the notification to the prosecutor’s office against members of the National Election Commission who decided to revoke the Law and Justice subsidy of almost PLN 11 million due to irregularities in conducting the election campaign. We will also talk about the government’s actions to eliminate the effects of the flood.

We invite you to Robert Mazurek’s interview right after… 8:00 to RMF FM, RMF24 online radio, RMF24.pl website, Interia.pl portal, RMF ON application and our social media!

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