“There is no confirmation that Rubtsov had access to classified information. It is known that in such situations there is a procedure so that the prosecutor’s office does not present information that is classified. This is a mechanism used by the opposition – undermining trust in state institutions,” Paweł Zalewski, deputy minister of national defence and politician of Poland 2050-Third Way, said on RMF FM.
Paweł Zalewski has just returned from a trip to Asia together with Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski. Krzysztof Ziemiec asked his guest about the effects of this visit on the Polish defense.
I participated in Minister Radosław Sikorski’s visit to Malaysia and the Philippines. These are the countries that They are looking for manufacturers of weapons and defense equipment. Poland is one of them. I have a tradition of selling, we offer our weapons and there is a lot of interest. This is interesting because global politics is seriously threatened by Chinese expansion. It was good to hear the assessments of the Filipinos and Malaysians. Notes situation in the South China Sea. They, in turn, were interested in our assessment of the war that Russia had declared on Ukraine said the deputy minister of national defense on RMF FM.
Krzysztof Ziemiec also asked his guest about how much we will lose with the Rubtsov case, who should have access to investigation materials, also confidential. “Champagne corks are probably popping in the Kremlin,” the host of Saturday’s conversation noted.
I don’t know if he understood, that is there is no confirmation that he had access to classified information. It is known that in these situations there is a procedure so that the Public Prosecutor’s Office does not present secret information. I do not understand these accusations from the opposition. I am convinced that Mr. Rubtsov simply could not have obtained secret informationand the fact that he received information about the accusations and was able to read the justification, well, that’s natural. This is the mechanism the opposition uses – to undermine trust in state institutions. Everything that the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the government do can be questioned. Although we once argued about politics, no one has violated the credibility of state institutions. Today, it crosses another line. We must remember that after 2015, the institutions were privatized by PiS, and today our government reverses this logic and tries to make these institutions state-owned – said Paweł Zalewski.
Krzysztof Ziemiec also asked Paweł Zalewski if there was a chance swapping Rubcow for Andrzej Poczobut.
I have no knowledge of this matter. However, I remember the interview the president gave upon his return from Kiev on August 24. He clearly stated that we discovered this exchange at the last minute. I don’t know anything more about it. – said Zalewski.
Article being updated.