Articles for category: World News

Bobby Cirus

FOCAC: “The Pillar of South-South Cooperation”

FOCAC: “The Pillar of South-South Cooperation”

Beijing once again extends a fitting welcome to African leaders (September 4, 2024) The relationship between China and the African continent is close and should be expanded further. This was perhaps the key outcome of the ninth Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), which concluded in Beijing on Friday. In his speech on Thursday, Chinese President ...

Bobby Cirus

Middle East Live Blog: ++ Shot dead at Jordan border ++

Middle East Live Blog: ++ Shot dead at Jordan border ++

Live Blog As of: 10:23 AM, September 8, 2024 A terrorist attack on the Allenby border between the West Bank and the Jordan River left four dead. That night, Hezbollah fired rockets at the northern Israeli town of Kiryat Shmona. The development of the live blog. 9:55 am Killed in Jordan border attack According to ...

Bobby Cirus

This belongs to the tourism concept of Bad Godesberg.

This belongs to the tourism concept of Bad Godesberg.

Many Bad Godesbergers probably no longer believed that the proposed tourism, culture, leisure and sports concept for the area would actually be viable at some point. People had already been involved too often, and the proposals were eventually reflected too rarely. This was heard at one or two engagement events where the city invited people ...

Bobby Cirus

Together for sustainable supply chains: Development Minister Svenja Schulze visits Pakistan

Together for sustainable supply chains: Development Minister Svenja Schulze visits Pakistan

She advises entrepreneurs, employees, trade unions and representatives of the Pakistani government on the implementation of corporate due diligence obligations and provides support in the process. The Federal Government is already supporting German and Pakistani companies to fulfil their due diligence obligations and ensure human rights, decent working conditions and the most environmentally friendly production ...

Bobby Cirus

Berlin VVN-BdA, daily newspaper Junge Welt, 7 September 2024

Berlin VVN-BdA, daily newspaper Junge Welt, 7 September 2024

Imago Image/Jannis Große Flag of VVN-BdA [OnSeptember91945tensofthousandsofpeopleinBerlinrememberedthe”deadheroesoftheanti-fasciststruggle”TheMemorialDayfortheVictimsofFascismcelebratedannuallyonthesecondSundayinSeptemberintheSovietUnionandEastGermanybecamea”DayofRemembranceandWarning”in1990TheBerlinsponsorshipisthelocalassociationofthosepersecutedbytheNaziregimetheAnti-FascistAssociation(VVN-BdA)whichonceagaininvites”friendlyinitiativesandallanti-fascists”to”rememberthevictimsoftheNaziregime”thisSundayandtodebatetheincreasinglyanti-democraticandauthoritariandevelopmentofsociety[1945년9월9일베를린에서는수만명이”반파시스트투쟁의죽은영웅들”을기억했습니다소련지역과동독에서매년9월둘째일요일에기념되는파시즘희생자추모일은1990년에“추모와경고의날”이되었습니다베를린의후원은나치정권에의해박해받는지역협회인반파시스트협회(VVN-BdA)에있으며이번일요일에”나치정권의희생자들을기념”하기위해”우호적인계획과모든반파시스트”를다시한번초대합니다점점더반민주적이고권위주의적인사회발전에대한논쟁입니다” As it has been every year young world I registered my stand, but on Wednesday the VVN-BdA staff in Berlin said by phone that due to space constraints jW Nor did they set up a bar table in the Franz-Mehring-Platz 1 premises. When questioned, the employee pointed out ...

Bobby Cirus

How Australian winemakers are adapting to climate change

How Australian winemakers are adapting to climate change

background As of: September 8, 2024, 6:03 AM Climate change is affecting grape growers around the world, causing crop yields to decline, even in Australia, one of the world’s most important producers. There, creative solutions have been found. Australia is the world’s fifth-largest wine exporter, but heat and drought are increasingly causing problems for the ...

Bobby Cirus

Best videos from PüMa Daily 2024

Best videos from PüMa Daily 2024

In the PüMa Daily format, our web reporters Jana and Micha have given us exclusive impressions of the Pützchens market this year as well. Every day they have been up close and personal, filmed the highlights of the cult fair and experienced it firsthand. Every day they come up with something new. Source link

Bobby Cirus

Almost no waiting time to get a driving license Aachen newspaper

Almost no waiting time to get a driving license Aachen newspaper

Anyone wanting to get a driving licence in North Rhine-Westphalia will no longer have to wait long to book an exam. “There are no waiting times,” a Tüv Rheinland spokesperson said in response to questions from dpa. A lead time of two weeks is typical, which gives learner drivers “more time for more intensive preparation ...

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