With this declaration you will pay less for electricity. You must submit them by the end of August [WZÓR]


With this declaration you will pay less for electricity. You must submit them by the end of August [WZÓR]

Electricity prices are one of the hottest topics recently. And although the rates have been known for some time, many people are still worried about much higher bills. As reported by Infor.pl, However, there are groups among electricity consumers who must remember to complete the appropriate formalities to benefit from reduced electricity prices.

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Who can benefit from lower electricity prices?

The Ministry of Climate and Environment informs that from 1 July to 31 December 2024 the applicable maximum electricity price of PLN 693/MWh will be extended. This applies in particular to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, local governments and public service institutions (e.g. hospitals, schools, nurseries and kindergartens). From July 2024, the price of energy for them will remain at PLN 693/MWh net. However, to use it you need to present a special energy supplier. statements.

To obtain support, small and medium-sized enterprises had to meet the criteria relating to the limits on de minimis aid. However, microenterprises, according to EU regulation, were exempted from State aid restrictions.

The regulation of the Ministry of Climate and Environment specifies which entities must submit a declaration of willingness to purchase electricity at preferential rates. This obligation applies primarily to local government units and entities related to them, such as budgetary entities or municipal companies. Thanks to this, they can benefit from lower energy prices.

Sample of new declaration of the principal recipient

A model declaration of the eligible beneficiary was recently made available by the Minister for Climate and Environment in the regulation of 7 August 2024. You can find the pattern at this link: https://isap.sejm.gov.pl/isap.nsf/DocDetails.xsp?id=WDU20240001225

What should be included in the declaration?

The regulation specifies that the declaration must include: a detailed list of electricity consumption points, with a precise definition of the portion of energy covered by the maximum price. In addition, it is necessary to provide the total electricity consumption in kilowatt-hours. The local government unit or subordinate institution must also provide complete identification data of the authorized recipient, including contact details and information about the person authorized to represent the recipient. Those who want to take advantage of a reduced electricity tariff must submit an eligible recipient declaration by August 31, 2024.

Energy voucher 2024

From 1 July to 31 December 2024, households will be able to benefit from the maximum price reduced from PLN 693 to PLN 500/MWh. While this is good news, keep in mind that there will also be other charges on your bill. Importantly, the current electricity consumption limits have been abolished. In addition, poorer families will receive a special voucher that will help them cover their energy costs. Applications must be submitted between August 1 and September 30.

The value of the energy voucher depends on the number of people in the household and is: PLN 300 for people living alone, PLN 400 for households with two or three people, PLN 500 for households with four or five people and PLN 600 for households with at least six people.

Option 1: Households whose main source of heating is electricity and which are registered in the Central Register of Building Emissions, will receive an energy voucher increased by 100%. In these cases, the benefit amount will be: PLN 600 for single-person families, PLN 800 for families with two or three people, PLN 1,000 for families with four or five people and PLN 1,200 for families with at least six people.

According to the “PLN for PLN” principle, energy vouchers will also be allocated to households that exceed the income criterion. However, the amount of the benefit will be reduced in accordance with the amount exceeded and the minimum amount paid will be PLN 20.

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