With metastases, Preta Gil undergoes ‘energy healing’ sessions: ‘I believe in it’

Regina Pierce

With metastases, Preta Gil undergoes ‘energy healing’ sessions: ‘I believe in it’

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Singer Preta Gil, 50, has chosen an alternative to medical treatment facing his second battle with cancer.

She said on her social networks that she had been feeling ill this week and had an “energy healing” session. “This has benefited me a lot. The slight nausea I felt is gone, I’m sure of it. I know there are people who don’t believe in it, but I believe in chakra alignment, etc.”, This.

Currently, the artist is a work in progress third cycle of chemotherapy. In August, the cancer returned in four different places: two lymph nodes, metastases in the peritoneum, and a lump in the ureter.

Read more at Correio24horas

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