Will PiS lose its subsidy? Gembicka: This is an attempt at political revenge


Will PiS lose its subsidy? Gembicka: This is an attempt at political revenge

PiS MP Anna Gembicka spoke on Telewizja wPoland about the pressure exerted by politicians from Donald Tusk’s coalition on the National Electoral Commission to withdraw the PiS subsidy.

From what we can see, this is an attempt at political revenge, an attempt to attack the largest opposition party. Why? Because the December 13 Coalition has already broken the law so many times and committed so many irregularities that it is simply afraid of what will happen if PiS returns to power and has to answer for its crimes.

she said Anna Gembickareferring to actions aimed at withdrawing subsidies from PiS.

The National Electoral Commission has never exceeded its powers, and now suddenly, under the influence of political pressure, because its composition is specific, the National Electoral Commission suddenly claims that it has greater powers than those provided for in the Electoral Code. If the National Electoral Commission were to decide based on and within the limits of the law, we would have already approved this report.

– noticed the guest edited by Aleksandra Jakubowska.

We hear pressure from Minister Berek and Minister Grabiec that they cannot imagine any other solution than to withdraw the PiS subsidy. These are just some strange patterns, oriental patterns.

– she emphasized.

tkwl/Television in Poland

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