Who and how does Donald Trump plan to punish after the November 5 election?

Regina Pierce

Who and how does Donald Trump plan to punish after the November 5 election?

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Donald Trump, in his post on Truth Social, provided no evidence for his claims about Google. “Google was found to have illegally used the system to reveal and display only bad stories about Donald J. Trump, some created for that purpose, while at the same time revealing only good stories about” Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, Trump wrote.

Truth Media

“This is illegal activity and I hope the Department of Justice will prosecute them for this blatant election interference,” Trump wrote. “If not, and under the laws of our country, I will have them tried at the highest level when I win the election and become president of the United States,” he added.

Conservative groups say Google favors the Democratic Party

Google says it does not manipulate search results to benefit certain websites. “Both campaign pages consistently appear at the top of search results for relevant and common search queries,” the company said in a statement.

Donald Trump already made similar accusations against Google in 2019 – reminds the Washington Post. In a series of posts on Twitter, now known as X, he claimed Google favored negative news about him during the 2016 presidential election.

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