Street 2featuring Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor, has achieved extraordinary success at the box office. Exceeding all expectations, the film entered the ₹300 crore club in nine days. But did you know that Rajkummar’s character in the show was originally offered to Vicky Kaushal? The actor turned down the role as he was busy with Anurag Kashyap To Manmarziya at that time. During her appearance on Vogue BFF, Vicky was asked to choose a film which she declined but now regrets not doing as it became quite a success. “Streetit was because I did To Manmarziya“, said Vicky. Although the actor received a lot of praise for his role To Manmarziyathe film did not do well at the box office. Meanwhile, Rajkummar got his breakthrough Street.
Street 2 is well on its way to crossing the Rs 400 crore mark. Reacting to his film’s record-breaking success, Rajkummar Rao told News18, “We were sure that the film will get a lot of love because of the love. Street 1 i got There is a great fan following Streetincluding me. I’m a big fan Street self. But these numbers clearly exceed our expectations. We are happy and very happy. There’s a lot to be thankful for that this happens with a movie like that Streetbecause it’s a content-driven film.”
He added: “I try to choose different characters. People should not say that Raj only makes a certain kind of film. I want to do everything – comedy, drama, biopics, horror, action – why not! I don’t want to put myself in a hole. So it’s a very conscious decision to challenge myself as an actor with different characters. Plus, it keeps me going.”
On the work front, Vicky Kaushal will next be seen as Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj in the upcoming film, Cough. Directed by Laxman Utekar, the film also features Rashmika Mandanna in a key role. The film is scheduled to release on December 6.