What do Germans know about World War II? Who is responsible for the Holocaust? A test was conducted


What do Germans know about World War II? Who is responsible for the Holocaust? A test was conducted

More precisely, 57 percent of the Germans surveyed answered yes. The version that only Germany was responsible for the Holocaust was chosen by 9 percent. And 34 percent he thinks that it is mainly Germans.

An online survey commissioned by the Pilecki Institute was carried out by the Insa center with a sample of 2,000 Germans aged between 16 and 75.

Which victims of the Third Reich are not remembered in Germany or are not remembered enough? Nobody pointed out the Polish victims

Questions were also asked about historical memory. And especially about which groups of victims of the Third Reich are insufficiently remembered or not at all in Germany. The question was open-ended. The most frequently interviewed were Sinti and Roma (9.5%), euthanasia victims and people with disabilities (4%) and homosexuals (4%). Almost three-quarters of the respondents could not name any group or did not provide an answer. No one mentioned Polish victims, Jewish victims – 1.6%.

– The most frequently mentioned groups of victims have their own monuments in Berlin. Perhaps if there were a monument dedicated to Poles in the capital, Polish victims would be mentioned – Mateusz Fałkowski from the Pilecki Institute, who was responsible for the research, told “Rzeczpospolita”.

Commemoration of the 85th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II on Westerplatte

Sirens and gun salutes at 4:45 p.m. Celebrations in Westerplatte are full of references to the situation in Ukraine

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