"“We need a new policy” – CSU calls on Greens to change course after resignation announcement

Regina Pierce

"“We need a new policy” – CSU calls on Greens to change course after resignation announcement

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"“We need a new policy” – CSU calls on Greens to change course after resignation announcement

“A new beginning is only a new beginning if you don’t continue as before,” CSU General Secretary Martin Huber told the “Augsburger Allgemeine”. “The Greens need a new policy,” he stressed. “Whether it’s migration, the economy, energy, mobility – the Greens are a very ideological party, and unfortunately that won’t change if there are other faces at the top of the party,” the CSU General Secretary said.

The personnel consequences in the federal government are also significant, he added. “Robert Habeck is primarily responsible for the decline of the green economy,” Huber criticized the Greens’ economy minister. “The Greens want to continue to make him their candidate for chancellor,” he said. “This shows that the Greens have basically learned nothing,” the CSU politician criticized.

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