Around ten buildings will have to be demolished in Radochów, a few kilometres from Lądek-Zdrój. After the dam burst in Stronie, the water swept away everything in its path. RMF FM reporter Mateusz Chłystun arrived in the village and spoke to, among others, the village headman.
Radochów, like many other villages and towns in Lower Silesia and the Opole region, has faced massive flooding in recent days.
The power of the element is perfectly illustrated by an upside-down agricultural tractor that was parked in the square next to the fire station. Now water flows here, our reporter reports.
Right next to it, there is a half-broken bridge, but it is possible to cross it to the other side of the village.
The RMF FM reporter found Mr. Roman there, looking for water for his family and horses.
We drink rainwater. It’s not the water you normally drink.. The revolution is in the belly – the man openly admitted.
The water from the barn got into the house, but I managed to save it all with a shovel. – he added, emphasizing that he asked his wife for prayers during the most serious flood situation.
The village is completely destroyed. The river flow has flooded several properties, destroyed foundations and in two cases destroyed large fragments of buildings.
At this moment, practically no one helps us. As much as we can, we do it ourselves. – said another man met by the RMF FM reporter in Radochów, admitting that competent hands are needed to help.
Volunteer firefighters are involved in mutual assistance to neighbors, but they are few in number.
Radochów firefighters had to save not only other people’s property, but also their own property. During the flood, they removed the fire engine at the last minute. Taken to the hill, it bore the brunt of it there.
It is now used to help residents, but it is not enough to meet all their needs. Some residents of Radochów watch the disaster caused by the elements with tears in their eyes.
The tenants are trying to remove what is left of the house, a room that no longer exists. A child’s chair, crockery or individual pieces of furniture. Everything is dirty because of the river silt that has flowed through the building. What was swept away by the current – two days ago it decorated apartments and gardens – is now in large piles where the water level has dropped – our reporter reports.
The head of the village of Radochowa, Marek Stuła, admitted that there are “probably about 10 buildings to be demolished” in the village.
The village chief and a volunteer firefighter told RMF FM that some residents downplayed reports of the evacuation..
People who we warned one or two days before the peak of the wave to take all their belongings and evacuate, some downplayed it and then there was a problem, because they called us, the firefighters, to come at night, at 2 in the morning. – said the man.
Broken bridges and flooded roads make it difficult to provide water and food. As in neighboring Lądek-Zdrój, there is no electricity or communication in Radochów..