Warnings on alcohol bottles Poland may introduce new regulations

Victor Boolen

Warnings on alcohol bottles Poland may introduce new regulations

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– It’s a bit strange that we couldn’t finish it for two periods. Everyone supports it, but somehow it does not come into effect – said its chairman, Robert Mamatau of PiS, during a meeting of the Senate Petitions Committee last week. He proposed submitting a draft law that would require mandatory warnings on alcohol containers about its harmful effects on pregnant and breastfeeding women, and the committee unanimously supported the proposal.

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Work on the alcoholic beverage bottling project has been ongoing since 2017

It all started with a petition to the Senate in 2017. Its author believed that publishing the warnings would help fight fetal alcohol syndrome, a serious disease that affects children whose mothers drink during pregnancy.

The petition was considered by the Human Rights, Rule of Law and Petitions Committee, which prepared a draft law in 2018. The work was suspended for the 2019 elections, and was tabled again in the new state and was also not adopted. This is the third attempt, but the chances of the project being accepted are high. Not only was it unanimously supported by the Senate committee, but also among others: the Ministries of Health and Justice.

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