Video: Marçal and Nunes speak before the Flow debate

Regina Pierce

Video: Marçal and Nunes speak before the Flow debate

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Video: Marçal and Nunes speak before the Flow debate

Before the Flow debate on Monday (23/9), Ricardo Nunes and Pablo Marçal had a chat backstage. The event will take place starting at 8 pm at a club in São Paulo.

Marçal was waiting to enter the studio where pre-debate interviews were being conducted by the podcast team, when Nunes left the room.

Marçal questioned Nunes, shouting that the mayor would go to jail in 2025 for stealing lunch. Nunes said the mayor had no authority to arrest anyone.

PRTB candidates referred to emedebista as “PCC tchutchuca” and “bum” and referred to him as a “convict.”

Nunes responded by stating that even the nickname “PCC Tchutchuca”, which he used to call Marçal, was stolen by the former coach.

See the recorded video in the column below.

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