The effect of the bill was to waive the above licenses, thus applying the same inspection procedures to all employers by the National Labor Inspectorate.
It is also planned to exclude PIP inspections from the regulations of the Entrepreneur Code regarding restrictions on inspections of business activity (they regulate, among other things, the course and duration of inspections).
The project authors assumed that introducing the changes would improve the monitoring process and thus have a positive impact on the implementation of NLI tasks, including increasing the ability to carry out monitoring activities.
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Wider powers of the National Labor Inspectorate
Inspectors’ tasks will include checking job listings and employee records in the context of eligibility for bridge pensions.
They, in turn, pointed to the increased oversight capacity of inspections, and thus the more effective use of financial resources allocated by the state for oversight activities in the field of labor relations as a positive financial impact of the proposed law.
The government has a different opinion about controlling business
The problem is that the government sees it differently.