Different varieties of roses need to be pruned at different times of the year, and this can help them bloom longer and encourage new growth.
1. Cutting
Monique Gudgeon, Garden Director at Sculpture by the Lakes, said: “Always trim dead, diseased and damaged growth.
“On Rambler roses, last year’s flowering stems must be removed and new growth and vigorous growth combined to replace the old shoots.”
According to the professional, this keeps the plant vigorous and promotes “better flowering”.
Monique added: “Shrub roses, which cover many different types, including hybrid teas, floribundas and patio roses, are pruned to maintain the general goblet shape.”
The expert said the mortality rate depends on whether you want to keep rosehips for wildlife, which is often recommended.
The horticulturist continued: “Some roses don’t produce hips, so they’re just dead-ends to a healthy outward-facing bud, which encourages repeat flowering and keeps it neat and tidy.
“Big roses need some height reduction if you’re in a windy or exposed location to shed rootstock during the winter.
“Pruning takes place in late winter, so remove dead, diseased and damaged growth and decide at what height you want it to bloom.
“Remove crossing branches and weak growth or very old unproductive growth and aim for an open, vague goblet shape.
“Cut to the outward buds, not too close to the bud itself, but not too far or the stem will die.”
2. Feeding
Another job to help them bloom longer is to feed them once in the spring.
“Big roses need some height reduction if you’re in a windy or exposed location to shed rootstock during the winter.
“Pruning takes place in late winter, so remove dead, diseased and damaged growth and decide at what height you want it to bloom.
“Remove crossing branches and weak growth or very old unproductive growth and aim for an open, vague goblet shape.
“Cut to the outward buds, not too close to the bud itself, but not too far or the stem will die.”