The myth of Rodolfo “Rudolph” Valentino was born on October 30, 1921, when the film premiered in Los Angeles The Sheikhthe film that launched him as the first “Latino Lover” in cinema history. Orson Welles’ career took off on October 30, 1938. That night, Americans tuned in to CBS and heard the horrifying radio commentary about an alien landing on Earth, beginning with the arrival of a spaceship in New Jersey. The commentator explained that it was the “vanguard of an invasion army” on Mars. After only a good half hour of the program – and after the description of the attack in New York – there was a pause. Meanwhile, the first calls from terrified citizens have also come in. It wasn’t a real alien invasion, but a radio drama based on The War of the Worldsdirected by and starring Welles. The actual number of people who accepted the drama as true is debated, but New York Times headline: “Radio listeners in panic, taking war drama as fact”.