Three children died after eating breakfast


Three children died after eating breakfast

A series of fatal poisonings have occurred at schools in the South African province of Gauteng. First, three children died after eating breakfast brought from home, and then one of the students swallowed rat poison. His life could not be saved.

Three students, two brothers and a sister, who attend primary school in Evaton, Gauteng Province, South Africa, died on Monday after eating breakfast brought from home.

Gauteng education department officials said brothers felt bad at school. When asked what they ate, the children responded that “puree, milk and biscuits taken from home”.

The teacher who was starting the class, noticing strange symptoms in one of the students, took him to the school infirmary. After a while, his brother and sister also arrived there.

The children were taken to a nearby clinic but could not be saved. – Steve Mabona, spokesperson for the Gauteng Department of Education, explained to the media.

On the same day, two students from a secondary school in Ekurhuleni they swallowed rat poison spread around the school during classes.

One of the students fainted and had to be transported to the school’s administrative building, while the other, although visibly weakened, managed to get there on her own. – said Steve Mabona.

Emergency services and the students’ parents were immediately notified. Sadly, one of the girls died before help arrived and the other was transported to a local medical center.

Police are investigating the deaths of four children.

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