They will offer a workshop for immigrants to process US citizenship

Victor Boolen

They will offer a workshop for immigrants to process US citizenship

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In cooperation with the governments of Guatemala and El Salvador, the Consulate General of Mexico in El Paso will teach a citizenship workshop so that immigrants of these nationalities can complete their procedures in the United States.

At the workshop next Thursday, October 3, starting at 4:45 p.m., Cologne Development Board staff will help participants fill out their N-400 form for free. He said: “Are you a permanent resident, born in Mexico, Guatemala or El Salvador? The Consulate General of Mexico in El Paso, in cooperation with the Consulate of Guatemala and the Consulate of El Salvador, helps you complete the process of obtaining US citizenship.” Mexican government. Those interested must make an appointment at (915) 747 3234, (915) 747 3233 and (915) 747 3232 to participate in the workshop to be held at 910 East San Antonio Avenue, in El Paso, Texas.

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