They found the body of a man among the bushes at Finca Bonita

Regina Pierce

They found the body of a man among the bushes at Finca Bonita

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City of Juarez.- Among the bushes in a desert area next to the Finca Bonita subdivision, the body of a man was found in an advanced state of decomposition.

The closest intersection to the vacant lot where they found the body is Monte Blanco and Cedro del Lebanon streets.

People who use the area as a shortcut to get on trucks, discovered the find this afternoon and made a report.

The body was wearing only blue shorts and tennis shoes, his skin was dark and worms were coming out of his body, said city elements who responded to the report.

According to investigative elements from the Northern Zone Prosecutor’s Office, due to the advanced state of decomposition, traces of violence could not be seen with the naked eye.

Therefore, through a legitimate autopsy it will be known whether it was intentional murder or not.

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