They are asking for help from citizens to locate Natalio Larrieta

Victor Boolen

They are asking for help from citizens to locate Natalio Larrieta

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Ciudad Juarez.- The State Attorney’s Office is asking for help from citizens to locate 23-year-old Natalio Larita Bañuelos.

According to the report submitted by his family, Natalio was last seen on September 24, 2024, in the Salvarcar neighborhood, Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, and since then his whereabouts are unknown.

As special marks, he has a tattoo on his neck with the image of a spider web, on his right hand there is an image of a skull, on the fingers of his right hand is the word “panic”, a tattoo on his left forearm with his name Heidi, on his right forearm is a legend with a heart, his ears are pierced and a scar on his chin from a piercing, a small scar. On his upper lip and forehead, his fangs pressed together slightly, an old fracture in his right hand.

At the time of his disappearance, he was wearing a blue shirt with palm prints, light blue jeans and black tennis shoes.

Any information on his whereabouts can be contacted at 614-429-3300 ext. 14289 and 10796 in Chihuahua City and 656-629-3300 ext. 56455 and 58132 in Ciudad Juarez.

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