The social pensioner will receive an additional bonus of PLN 2,520. When does the new feature start?

Victor Boolen

The social pensioner will receive an additional bonus of PLN 2,520. When does the new feature start?
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Another form of financial assistance was provided in the law of September 27, 2024 amending the Social Pensions Law, which was passed by deputies in the last session of the House of Representatives. Its adoption began with the Citizens’ Project, but while working on it, its content was completely changed by the representatives. Originally, it was assumed that the amount of social pension, currently PLN 1,780.96 per month, was equal to the amount of the minimum wage for work (PLN 4,300). However, as a result of the amendments made by the MPs, instead of increasing the social pension, an additional allowance of PLN 2,520 will be paid. Moreover, not every social pensioner will receive it, because the right to the new benefit will apply to a person who is absolutely unable to work and live independently. This means it will cover about 135,000. People of nearly 300 thousand are entitled to a social pension.

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