The scenario is getting tighter for PL in Santa Catarina and Jorginho takes time off to focus on the campaign

Regina Pierce

The scenario is getting tighter for PL in Santa Catarina and Jorginho takes time off to focus on the campaign

Jorginho handed over his position to Marilisa this Wednesday (18) (Photo: Roberto Zacarias / SECOM)

What should have been a “quiet” election for the Republican Party in Santa Catarina has now become a complicated scenario. If we look at the municipal disputes, especially in the main cities of Santa Catarina, it is clear that the party led by Governor Jorginho Mello is starting to have difficulties. On the evening of Wednesday (18), Jorginho took leave from his post to start the electoral campaign starting this Thursday (19). The vice governor, Marilisa Boehm (PL), takes over the government (photo above). There will be 12 days of dedication by Jorginho to the liberal project, precisely at a time when the PL is seeing the progress of its opponents in the main cities.

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Warning signs have begun to appear in recent days, with candidates considered “consolidated” in the local scenario suffering from the growing number of opponents opposing them. This is the case of Criciúma and Balneário Camboriú, for example, where the Republican Party has its own candidate as leader. In Joinville, the largest city in the state, the candidacy of Sergeant Lima (PL) is struggling to develop amid the favoritism of the current mayor Adriano Silva (PL).

In Itajaí, the scenario is considered open, with three names emerging, one of which is Robison Coelho (PL). However, this is one of those elections where “anything can happen” when the polls are open, without any apparent favoritism. Concerns are also growing in Palhoça, with Eduardo Freccia (PL) under pressure from Luciano Pereira (PSD). Nearby, in São José and Biguaçu, the Republicans are also having difficult elections as they face off against the current mayors of both cities.

On the other hand, there are places where Jorginho will be free from his headaches, such as Florianópolis, Tubarão and Blumenau, where PL projects are showing better results. This is different from what happens in Chapecó, where the party does not even have a candidate. In Lages, despite not being a PL candidate, federal deputy Carmen Zanotto (Citizenship) is a direct bet for Jorginho. There, the favoritism belongs to Carmen, but Elizeu Mattos (MDB) has shown growth.

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In other states, the scenario varies depending on the region, including the Midwest, where Jorginho is from and where important stakes are at stake. Over the next 12 days, governors will have the opportunity to set the pace to reach the goal of 100 town halls that the PL plans to win on October 6. As we see, the mission becomes more difficult, requiring the dedication of the main names of the party in the state until the election date.

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