The Prime Minister has decided. There will be no referendum in the case of the Labor Chamber of the STF


The Prime Minister has decided. There will be no referendum in the case of the Labor Chamber of the STF

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Tusk announced his decision during a meeting with the legal community on Friday. He indicated that he would not provide a countersignature “in yet another attempt by the president to legalize the situation with the new judges.”

President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda and Prime Minister Donald Tusk

Tusk: there will be no referendum and legalization of the situation with new judges

– The test is the president’s next request for a referendum. I will not give it and that reflects our position. We do not want in any way to give anyone an excuse to think that for some reason our intention is to legalize a situation that we consider fundamentally bad, says Tusk.

In recent days, the Prime Minister received a letter from the President with the decision to appoint a person to temporarily serve as Chairman of the Chamber of Labour and Social Security of the Supreme Court. Presidential Minister Joanna Paprocka said on Polish Radio that the President was awaiting the Prime Minister’s countersignature.

This is related to the end of Judge Piotr Prusinowski’s term in office on Tuesday.

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