The President decided on the law introducing the widow’s pension


The President decided on the law introducing the widow’s pension

The President decided on the law introducing the widow’s pension

As we read on the website of the President of the Republic of Poland, the purpose of the amendment is “to introduce new rules in the general, agricultural and uniform systems for the confluence of the right to a survivor’s pension acquired as a result of being a widow or widower with the right to other pension and disability benefits specified in the Act.”

The new regulations will allow widows and widowers who have retired to receive either their own pension and part of their deceased spouse’s survivor’s pension, or all of their spouse’s pension and part of their own pension. The second benefit will be paid at 25%. But not immediately. First – from July 1, 2025 to December 31, 2026 – the combined benefit will be 15%. Only from January 1, 2027 will it increase to 25%.

The holder is entitled to simultaneous payment of benefits under the “new” rules in the event of:

1) reaching the general retirement age (60 years for widows, 65 years for widowers);

2) remaining in the conjugal community until the death of the spouse (the divorced person will not receive a pension even if the divorce occurred shortly before the death of the spouse);

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