The position of the delegate accused of Marielle’s death during the hearings

Victor Boolen

The position of the delegate accused of Marielle’s death during the hearings
The position of the delegate accused of Marielle’s death during the hearings

Police Chief Rivaldo Barbosa, accused of being the mastermind behind the murder of Mariel Franco, showed a nervous and apprehensive attitude during the hearings. Since August, the Federal Supreme Court has heard witnesses summoned by the defendants.

Last week, when the STF heard from delegate Geneton Lajes, who was accused by the federal police of obstructing investigations into the Mariel case, Rivaldo spent five hours of the session shaking his legs, appearing tense and anxious.

At several moments during a speech by Geneton, who was his subordinate in the civil police in Rio de Janeiro, Rivaldo rested his head in his hands, in a position of prayer and fear.

The delegate and former head of the Civil Police in Rio has been in prison since March, because he planned, with the brothers Chiquinho and Domingos Brazão, to kill Mariel, according to the Federal Police.

Rivaldo’s position differs from the Brazao brothers’ behavior during the hearings. Chiquinho and Domingos seem oblivious to the reports and questions. The two remain silent throughout the long hours of witness talk, without showing any reaction.

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