This is a draft amendment to the regulations of the Victims’ Assistance and Post-Prison Assistance Fund – Justice Fund, which the Ministry of Justice published last week on the website of the Government Legislation Center. It provides for the repeal of the famous paragraph 11, in force since 2017. On the basis of it, the previous management of the ministry granted a subsidy of PLN 224 million. It grants the right, in justified cases, to conclude contracts for tasks that are not covered by the program or the call for proposals.
This is not the only change. The Minister of Justice, who administers the fund, is obliged to define the purpose of the task and the target group. It will be mandatory to draw up guidelines for the implementation of the task and to present detailed criteria for evaluating offers, with the main criterion being the assessment of the experience of the person submitting the offer. The Minister will also determine the method of documenting this experience and indicate the number of points that can be obtained for certain criteria. The results of the recruitment must be published in the BIP.
In turn, bidders will have to explain in detail how they plan to complete the task. The Ministry also plans to oblige bidders to submit documents that allow verifying whether the costs indicated in the grant application by interested parties are real and reliably calculated. After the amendment, it will no longer be possible to refuse to grant a grant proposed by the commission. The purchase of real estate from the Justice Fund will be prohibited.©℗