The interactive platform displays a map of the company’s clubs worldwide.

Regina Pierce

The interactive platform displays a map of the company’s clubs worldwide.

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The Social Observatory of Football, a research group linked to the Postgraduate Program in Communication at the University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGCom/Uerj), developed a project that gave rise to the Multi-Club Football Network Map.

This initiative relies on the collaboration between Irlan Simões Santos, researcher and journalist, and Jonathan Ferreira, from the Postgraduate Program in Geography at Unesp in Rio Claro.

The project detected more than 280 association occurrences related to 90 different multi-club networks. To create the map, the data was filtered, resulting in a view of the 56 most relevant ownership groups today, which together involve a total of 178 different teams located on all continents.

The networks were selected based on the number of associations involved, the championships in which their clubs compete, expansion indications, participation in the clubs and investor profile.

With this platform, it is possible to detect details of connections, companies involved, key people, clubs and the type of contributions made.

Data from the Football Multi-Club Networks Map will be discussed and presented in more depth in a report to be released later this year, and will be published by the Football Social Observatory in October.

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