On August 15, as every year on Polish Army Day, a ceremonial parade will be held in the center of the capital. To ensure that everything goes as it should and in military style, preparations have been underway for several days, in which Tomasz Lis – unwittingly – takes part. This year, however, he no longer complains about soldiers singing under his windows. Why? Internet users believe it is because of “smiling Poland”.
Tomorrow at 2 pm, a parade on the occasion of the Polish Army Day will start on Wisłostrada in Warsaw. It will accommodate approximately 2,500 people, soldiers not only from Poland, but also from other NATO countries. You will be able to see heavy military equipment, various types of aircraft and various types of military formations marching and singing. Such an undertaking, of course, requires some preparation.
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Fox in waiting
It turns out that the army, like every year, also trained under the windows of Tomasz Lis. Although he was not satisfied with this in previous years, now – when Donald Tusk is in power – the journalist likes everything.
For the third hour the army is training under my windows Still in Poland, My First Brigade, Warszawianka and military marches. I’m on full alert now for Polish Army Day
– wrote Tomasz Lis two days before the Polish Army Day. What did he say three years ago?
Difficult morning. From six o’clock onwards, the soldiers practice under the windows before the parade, singing “My First Brigade” for the umpteenth time, until I get the impression that in the popular pre-war version, “the time for beating – in their hearts – is over.”