At the time, Seminfra engineers explained that the failure of the drainage system was responsible for all the erosion found. In addition to the panic among families, it also spread to people traveling nearby, as landslides have required interventions on the road and even hit vehicles. Until the definitive damming project is presented, palliative measures are always carried out on the site with tarpaulins.
Prosecutor Jorge Dória followed the evolutionary process and is confident that the problem will now be resolved.
“The Prosecutor’s Office responded to the citizens’ request, understanding the panic that was being generated, especially since the barrier was behind the residence, held a meeting with Seminfra and asked them to draw up a project aimed at solving the problem. At that time it was confirmed that there was no serious or imminent risk, they made a commitment to solve the situation gradually and now we see that they are completing what they promised, for the good of all. Both those who live and those who pass through the place. And the Prosecutor’s Office once again fulfills its duty to listen and protect citizens”, said the prosecutor.