The coalition places itself above the Constitutional Court! “Trials don’t matter”


The coalition places itself above the Constitutional Court! “Trials don’t matter”

The sentence can be considered non est,” wrote Robert Kropiwnicki, a deputy from the Civic Coalition, about the Constitutional Court’s ruling on the proceedings applied by the Sejm’s constitutional committee to the NBP chairman. Another KO politician, Dariusz Rosati, spoke in a similar tone.

The Constitutional Court found the procedures used by the Sejm’s constitutional committee against Adam Glapiński, the chairman of the NBP, to be unconstitutional.

READ MORE: The Constitutional Court ruled: The proceedings against the Chairman of the NBP before the Constitutional Accountability Commission of the Sejm are unconstitutional

The coalition does not recognize the verdict

Of course, politicians from the Civic Coalition were not happy with the verdict. Dariusz Rosati has already announced that he may not recognize the verdict.

A pathetic masquerade ball performed by a group posing as the Constitutional Court. It is known that they will do whatever Kaczyński tells them, and it is known that their “trials” are meaningless. Glapiński deserves the State Court. The Constitutional Court has ruled

– wrote on the X website.

Robert Kropiwnicki announced almost directly that the verdict would not be recognized.

The decision of the Constitutional Court in the Glapiński case can be summed up in one sentence: impunity for their own people. The duo Pawłowicz and Przyłębska will never disappoint President Kaczyński. Their legal credibility remains the same, below zero. The sentence can be considered non est

– he added.

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