Teacher accidentally posts nude photos, photos of students, and shares them on WhatsApp

Regina Pierce

Teacher accidentally posts nude photos, photos of students, and shares them on WhatsApp

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A 38-year-old teacher leaked nude photos of herself to a group of students at the Francisco Bernardino State School, in Juiz de Fora, in the Zona da Mata Mineira.

Based on the Police Report opened by the professor, he intended to send the photo to someone, but accidentally posted the image on his WhatsApp status. About a minute later, he was informed by a friend and deleted the image.

However, one of her students saw the photo, took a screenshot before deleting it and began sharing it on the school’s student WhatsApp group. The image quickly spread, reaching the school.

In a note, the Department of Foreign Education reported that it instructed teachers to file police reports and instructed schools to conduct awareness-raising activities among students about the spread of unauthorized images on social media.

“As an educational measure, the school management was instructed by the Regional Superintendent of Education (SRE) of Juiz de Fora to take action with students to raise awareness of the crime of sharing intimate photos without permission, clarifying to students the applicable laws and regulations, as well as the psychological, social and legal repercussions involved,” the ministry said in a note.

According to the Civil Police, the case is under investigation. “The case has been transferred to Polsek 5, the responsible regional unit,” the agency informed.

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