Shraddha Kapoor is currently enjoying the success of her film Stree 2. Released on August 15, the Amar Kaushik directorial has broken and rewritten box office records. Now the actor has become the third most followed celebrity on Instagram after cricket icon Virat Kohli and our favorite Desi Girl actress Priyanka Chopra. With 91.5 million followers, Shraddha has overtaken Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Instagram. He has 91.3 million followers on the platform. FYI: Kohli enjoys a whopping 217 million followers on the platform. As for Priyanka, it is 91.8 million.
Back to Stree 2 and its killer performance at the box office. The film collected ₹25 billion at the Indian box office on its 6th day, reported Sacnilk. The total on this basis is ₹254.55.
The makers of Stree 2 organized a party to celebrate the film’s success a few days ago in Mumbai. Actress Nimrat Kaur, who was on the guest list, has shared interior photos of the success bahi on Instagram. He also wrote a detailed note to the Stree 2 team. It read “LOVE BOMBING RED ALERT. Stree 2 has felt like a personal victory since day one, the first show you catch in the theater. As a die-hard fan of this horror comedy, here’s celebrating the loveliest, most gorgeous supergirl Shraddha Kapoor, the ever-disturbingly brilliant Rajkummar Rao, the man of the moment, the extraordinaire director Amar Kaushik , the ethereally gorgeous Tamannaah Bhatia, the endlessly gifted Panj Tripathied ji, Abhishek Banerjee and Aparshakti Khurana and everyone else whose blood, sweat and tears have contributed to this mammoth success.I save my last love and appreciation for the daredevil, the master visionary, the dearest Dinesh Vijan, who has A risk taker and an intuitive superpower that is so rare!! Congratulations to Maddock Films for creating history, breaking records!!! Here’s to many more…” Shraddha Kapoor said, “Nothing like one street supporting another!!! So graceful and gorgeous of you Nimrat!!! It means so much that you come from a firebrand street like you.”
Stree 2 stars Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor in lead roles. Pankaj Tripathi, Abhishek Banerjee and Aparshakti Khurana are also part of the project. It is backed by Dinesh Vijan and Jyoti Deshpande under Maddock Films and Jio Studios.