Shilpa Shetty’s Janmashtami party looks super fun. On Tuesday, the actor dropped a video on Instagram that gave fans a sneak peek at the party. In the video, her son Viaan is seen climbing a human pyramid to break the dahi handi. One of the team members was his father Raj Kundra. We also spotted Shilpa’s daughter Samisha eagerly watching her brother’s venture. Like an expert, Viaan stands on his father’s shoulders, takes a coconut and slaps his hand. And guess what? He breaks it open on the first hit. Simply impressive. When she comes down, Shilpa’s Munchkin bites into a cracked coconut. “Govinda ala re (Govinda has arrived). Happy Janmashtami,” Shilpa Shetty captioned the photo.
On the occasion of Janmashtami, Shilpa Shetty visited the ISKCON temple in Mumbai with her husband Raj Kundra, their children Viaan and Samisha and Shilpa’s mother Sunanda Shetty. He shared a video on the temple premises on Instagram Stories.
In May, Shilpa Shetty made a religious trip to the Vaishnodevi temple. His mother Sunanda Shetty and sister Shamita Shetty also accompanied the actor. The trip was all the more special because it was planned on the heels of International Mother’s Day (May 12). Shilpa shared a cute picture with her mother on Instagram and wished her on the occasion. In the picture, the Shetty siblings kiss their mother on her cheeks. The trio was dressed in ethnic costumes. Along with the post, Shilpa wrote, “Vaishnodev with Devi. Happy Mother’s Day today, tomorrow and everyday mom. We love you and celebrate you forever.”
Shilpa Shetty will next be seen in a pan-Indian multilingual film KD – Devil. Sanjay Dutt, Nora Fatehi, Dhruva Sarja, V Ravichandran and Ramesh Aravinds will also be seen in the crime action directed by Prem. with a bank loan from KVN Productions, KD – Devil will premiere in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada and Hindi.