“The head of Ukraine’s foreign affairs is a nationalist and it was not the first time he uttered such words against Poland. However, I am concerned about the condition of Minister Sikorski, because while he was on this Campus he did not react when Kułeba equated the Volhynian crime with Operation Vistula, when he demanded a de facto revision of the borders in the subtext,” Marek Sawicki, MP from the Polish People’s Party, said on RMF FM radio.
During a meeting with the head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Campus Poland, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine was asked by the public, among others: about the exhumation of victims of crimes in Volhynia.
You know what Operation Vistula was and you know that all these Ukrainians were forcibly expelled from Ukrainian territories to live, among others, in Olsztyn
– he replied.
READ MORE: Kułeba’s outrageous words at Campus Polska! What about the exhumations of the Volhynia victims? “We only have this request to the Polish government…”
According to Marek Sawicki, a member of parliament for the Polish People’s Party, the lack of reaction to these words by Radosław Sikorski, who was present at the scene, is surprising.
The head of Ukraine’s foreign affairs is a nationalist and it was not the first time he had spoken such words against Poland. However, I am concerned about the state of Minister Sikorski, because while he was on this Campus he did not react when Kułeba equated the Volyn crime with Operation “Vistula”, when in fact he demanded a revision of the borders in the subtext.
– he said.
No reaction from young people
The politician stressed that Kułeba’s words should be met with a strong reaction not only from the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but also from the young people who took part in the meeting.
I am also concerned that the young people who participated in this Campus did not respond appropriately. He should have been booed at the very least or the young man should have stood up and demanded that this guy leave. But these young people have no patriotic background, no historical education, no historical knowledge, so I am not surprised that they did not react, but I am surprised by Minister Sikorski’s lack of reaction. He should have reacted decisively.
– added on RMF FM.
A Polish People’s Party MP was asked what he thought Sikorski’s reaction should be.
Say: Mr. Kułeba, please do not spread misinformation to young people. He should say clearly: as Poles, we expect only one thing – a dignified burial for the victims of the Volhynia crime.
– he concluded.
— Storm after Kułeba’s words! Beata Szydło: “An unprecedented event in Polish-Ukrainian relations.” There is also an appeal to Sikorski
— Tsarnek sharply to Kuleba: You are implementing the Russian agenda and program to dispute Ukraine with Poland. This is the most vile betrayal. Shame and disgrace!