The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 was unveiled on July 10 at the company’s Galaxy Unpacked event in Paris alongside the Galaxy Z Flip 6. The foldable phone sports a 7.6-inch QXGA+ Dynamic AMOLED 2X Infinity Flex 120Hz main display and a 6.3-inch HD+ Dynamic AMOLED 2X external screen. It is powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC, a 4,400mAh battery with support for 25W wired and wireless charging. Some users are now reporting that the paint is peeling off the body of the book-style foldable phone, while Samsung has stated that the phenomenon could be caused by third-party accessories.
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 Owners Report Peeling Paint Issues: What We Know
Several Reddit users have reported instances of peeling paint on their brand new Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 phones. The photos they shared show small pieces of paint peeling off the casing — one near the power button, and the other near the top left corner of the back panel.
Samsung’s official support page states that the cause may be the use of “incompatible third-party products” with the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6. Of these products, the company primarily blames “third-party fast chargers” that are not properly grounded.
The South Korean tech giant claims that current leakage from these chargers can adversely affect the phone’s anodization, causing the paint to delaminate slightly. Anodization is a process that is supposed to give metal, in this case the phone’s metal casing, a “decorative, durable, corrosion-resistant finish.”
The company added that using electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) massagers while using the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 can also cause the paint to peel off. Samsung recommends users place the phone away from their body while using these EMS products.
Samsung adds on the site, however, that “if the third-party charger is from a reputable company, is of high quality, and meets the Qi standard,” it should be safe to use with any Samsung phone. For best results, the company suggests users use an “original Samsung charger” designed for your “specific” Samsung device.
It is worth noting that the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 ships without a charger in the box. On the Samsung India website, the 25W adapter is currently priced at Rs 1,699, while the USB Type-C to USB Type-C cable is priced at Rs 599.
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 Price in India, Availability
The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 is priced at Rs 1,64,999 in India for the 12GB + 256GB option. Meanwhile, the 12GB + 512GB and 12GB + 1TB variants are priced at Rs 1,76,999 and Rs 200,999 respectively in the country. It is offered in three colour options — Navy, Pink, and Silver Shadow — and can be purchased via Samsung’s official website, online retailers, and offline stores.