Resignation from the Climate Ministry. “I resigned”


Resignation from the Climate Ministry. “I resigned”

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Spokesperson for the Ministry of Climate and Environment, Hubert Różykannounced that he was stepping down.

Floods in Poland. There is a resignation

The reason was the controversy surrounding the announcement low-interest loans for flood-affected regions. Minister Paulina Hennig-Kloska she was forced to publicly explain her previous statements.

Loan controversies

During the press conference in Opole on September 16, Minister of Climate and Environment Paulina Hennig-Kloska she said the ministry wants to allocate PLN 21 million to support regions affected by floods. Funds in the form of grants will come from: Provincial Funds for Environmental Protection and Water Management (WFOŚiGW). The minister added that the ministry also intends to supplement the subsidies with an amount of approx. PLN 100 million in the form of low-interest loanswith an interest rate of 1.5-2 percent. This statement was met with dissatisfaction.

Ministry correction

The next day, Tuesday, the ministry explained that the program applies to loans intended for local governmentsand not directly to people affected by the floods.

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