Repel Mosquitoes With “Powerful” Cabinet Pests That “Hate” – No Vinegar

Victor Boolen

Repel Mosquitoes With “Powerful” Cabinet Pests That “Hate” – No Vinegar

If you have small, itchy red bumps on your skin and you’ve noticed a lot of mosquitoes around you, you’ve probably been bitten by pesky pests.

Mosquito bites can be harmful but are not usually serious in the UK. For some people, mosquito bites can become infected and cause a severe allergic reaction.

One of the best ways to avoid mosquito bites is to prevent them from entering your home.

The most popular ways to repel mosquitoes are using chemical repellants, citronella candles and supplements.

However, these are not always the best practices if you share your home with pets or children.

With that in mind, experts have shared a natural method that uses something you probably already have at home – coffee grounds.

According to the Mr Mister Mosquito Control website, coffee grounds are “a natural mosquito repellent that can help keep mosquitoes away from your home.”

Coffee grounds can mask scents that attract mosquitoes, which can make it difficult to target mosquitoes.

Coffee, a common household ingredient, has a pungent odor that repels not only mosquitoes but other pests as well.

Experts said: “Insects, along with other bugs and insects, hate smelly things. Coffee has a strong smell that many people love. To our benefit, mosquitoes do not like the bitter and strong smell of coffee grounds.”

Homeowners can use any unflavored coffee to repel mosquitoes, including fresh, used, and burned coffee grounds. However, the most “effective” method is to use burnt coffee grounds, as it produces a stronger smell.

How to use coffee grounds to repel mosquitoes

Sprinkle them out

Homeowners can sprinkle coffee grounds around their garden or patio to keep mosquitoes from buzzing. Spreading them in areas with an outdoor patio or pool works best.

Make sure they are placed away from pets or local wildlife.

Create a spray of ground coffee

Grab a spray bottle, pot, water and used coffee grounds to make a handy homemade spray. Boil water and used coffee grounds together in a 2:1 ratio to create a convenient spray.

If you have essential oils such as lemon, grapefruit or orange, add a few drops of these as well.

Allow the liquid to cool before transferring it to the spray bottle. The experts added: “Spray the solution on your fence to monitor the perimeter of your property. You can spray it on the edge of your pool or deck to fight mosquitoes in the more densely populated areas of the area.

“If mosquitoes attack your plants, spray the liquid near the plants! This is a very versatile way to use coffee grounds to repel mosquitoes.”

Ground coffee can be purchased from most local supermarkets or online. Aldi’s house blend ground coffee is £2.19 and Morrisons Anytime Roast & Ground is £2.80.

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