Remove yellow sweat stains with a ‘magic’ non-toxic solution – no baking soda or vinegar

Victor Boolen

Remove yellow sweat stains with a ‘magic’ non-toxic solution – no baking soda or vinegar

While normal laundry might not remove yellow sweat stains on white clothes, a “magic” solution could.

Even stain removers may not remove yellow stain marks, but a non-toxic homemade mixture could.

According to a TikTok contributor called Creative Explained, you only need two ingredients — and they’re not baking soda or white vinegar.

He said removing sweat stains was no problem with a “magical” solution that does all the heavy lifting.

“Just grab a spray bottle,” he advised, though a bowl might be just as useful, and “add a quarter cup of hydrogen peroxide and a little dish soap.”

If you are using a spray bottle, open the cap and screw it on tightly before shaking it properly.

If you’re using a bowl to create the hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing liquid mixture, mixing it with a spoon should work just as well.

“And that’s it,” he said of the easy cleaning solution, which he then sprayed on the yellow pit marks left on the white T-shirt.

“Spray the mixture on the stains,” he advised. “Or just pour the mixture on – and let the magic work for 15 minutes, then wash as normal.”

He said the garment comes out of the hot wash “as white as new” with an “easy” cleaning solution that “doesn’t contain toxic chemicals.”

One viewer asked, “Where do you get hydrogen peroxide?” In the US, you can get hydrogen peroxide at Walmart, Target, and Walgreens.

In the UK you can get hydrogen peroxide online at for just £4.96; Alternatively, some stain removers contain hydrogen peroxide, such as Sainsbury’s Oxy Power Stain Remover (500ml).

An informative video on stain removal has garnered more than 40,000 likes on the Internet, thanks to him answering a question that many people have been asking themselves.

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