Realme launched the Realme 13 Pro+ in India last month in two colours – Monet Gold and Emerald Green. Now, it has joined the lineup in a third colour called Monet Purple.
Like the other two variants, the Monet Purple model is available in 8GB/256GB, 12GB/256GB, and 12GB/512GB configurations, priced at INR 32,999 ($395/€360), INR 34,999 ($420/€380), and INR 36,999 ($440/€400), respectively. It will go on sale in India starting September 2 via Realme’s Indian website, Flipkart, and major channels.
The difference between the Monet Purple Realme 13 Pro+ and other models is cosmetic, meaning you get a Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 SoC, a 6.7-inch Full HD+ 120Hz AMOLED screen, a 50MP triple camera, and a 5,200mAh battery with 80W charging.
You can read our Realme 13 Pro+ review here to learn more or watch the related video review below. Then, you can read our first impressions of the Realme 13+ . It was launched in India a few days ago.