Between 25 and 35 minutes were the wait times recorded this morning on the international bridge from Juárez to El Paso, Texas, according to the United States Customs and Border Protection Office.
The neighboring state agency estimates that for those crossing by car on the De Las Américas (Libre) bridge, it will take 25 minutes with the Ready Lane document and 30 minutes on the general lane, the same as the times indicated for the Zaragoza-Ysleta bridge.
The Paso del Norte (Santa Fe) Bridge has a 35 minute wait time with six lanes open to cars in one of two modes, general and Ready Lane.
However, the Chihuahua Border Bridge Trust’s digital traffic monitoring app and cameras show, in Zaragoza, a lane on Waterfill Avenue to Río Verde Street, and no payment lane on the Mexican side for Santa Faith.
The Libre Bridge, for its part, has a slow lane immediately after crossing Vega del Río Bravo Street when accessed from De Las Américas Avenue.
For the express lanes on Santa Fe and Ysleta there are no delays indicated, as there are for pedestrians.