Pützchens Markt: Visit Reul and Wüst

Bobby Cirus

Pützchens Markt: Visit Reul and Wüst

Following a recent knife attack at a folk festival, NRW Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst and NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul (both CDU) made a demonstration visit to the Pützchen market, which is considered one of the largest fairs in Germany. Police checked hundreds of visitors there and confiscated several knives.

Police said they had identified 671 people in the first few days through Sunday morning and searched 508 people and 303 bags, backpacks and other items. Ten knives were seized, police said Sunday afternoon. Forty-nine people were deported and three were detained for being drunk or failing to comply with deportation orders. Police have opened 23 investigations, including six thefts and four assaults.

At around 7pm on Saturday night, a 13-year-old boy was robbed by five young men of the same age. The assailants kicked and beat him and eventually stole 5 euros from his trousers pocket. The 13-year-old boy was treated as an outpatient. The assailants have not been found. On Saturday night, four men are said to have insulted a man and a woman. A knife was also used in the altercation.

Reul at Pützchens Markt: “Increase your sense of security a little more”

“People are rightly asking us to be more secure,” Reul said during a late Saturday evening visit. “We can’t let terrorism and these guys win because we’re not going to the festival because of fear. It’s really important to keep partying and going out.”

On August 23, three people were killed and eight injured in a suspected Islamist knife attack in Solingen. A 26-year-old Syrian man was detained on suspicion of the crime. A German woman was overpowered in Siegen and injured six people on a bus, some seriously with a knife.

More police presence at Pützchen market

“We have deployed additional personnel given the current situation. Last year we had about 100 personnel on duty, this year we will have 140 to 150 personnel on duty during peak times,” said Frank Hoefer, Bonn police chief.

Prime Minister, emergency visit

NRW Prime Minister Wüst thanked the security forces for their efforts. “Folk festivals like the Pützchens Markt symbolize the pure joy of life,” said Wüst. “Our police play a crucial role in ensuring that this is the case. They radiate security, provide protection and are vigilant. In these times, this is more important than ever.”

The state government is committed to ensuring the safety of large-scale public festivals by using all possible means. It is unacceptable that people can no longer dare to attend such celebrations for fear of violence.

After the attacks in Solingen and Siegen, North Rhine-Westphalia Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) issued a decree ordering more police presence and identity checks at folk festivals, even if there is no particular danger. Every knife seized during a person or bag check means one less potential danger.

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