Protecting the Odra River from disasters. New actions against golden algae


Protecting the Odra River from disasters. New actions against golden algae

The situation at the Dzierżno reservoir remains difficult, although it seems to be stabilizing. It should be remembered that we are facing unfavorable meteorological and hydrological conditions. All this makes the situation dynamic – it changes from day to day. – said the head of the Ministry of Environment during a conference that took place close to the operation carried out by the services.

Actions against golden algae in Dzierżno

As she said Hennig-Kloskato the tank where its presence was confirmed Prymnesium parvum, the so-called golden algaePerhydrol (hydrogen peroxide) is administered, which in appropriate doses limits the proliferation of toxic organisms.

What we have been doing here for many days is to limit the catastrophe that is occurring in the Dzierżno reservoir, so that it does not occupy the Gliwice Canal and, above all, the Oder, so that we do not have a repeat of 2022. If I were to assess the situation from this angle, it is relatively under control. The golden algae situation does not extend to other areas beyond Dzierżno. – she assured the minister.

Plans to reduce pollution in the Odra River

Kloska highlighted that effective combat against golden algae is the result of an experiment carried out by the Institute of Environmental Protection and scientistswho work on site. According to the Environment Minister, the use of the new method allows the reduction of golden algae by 95%, and at night by up to 99%.

As Hennig-Kloska added, MKis is working to find a way to reduce the amount of pollutants flowing into reservoirs like Dzierżno and for herself Odra. This mainly concerns the brine discharged into the mine waters. An inter-ministerial team is working on this. I believe that the investment plan will be presented by the end of the year, so that we can combat the causes of the problem, not just the effects. – summarized.

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