Proposing to extend the expiration date for submitting a housing contract in cases of public disasters

Victor Boolen

Proposing to extend the expiration date for submitting a housing contract in cases of public disasters

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Draft Law No. 24/1877 extends the due date for housing finance installments for those affected by a general calamity recognized by the Union for a period of six months, starting from the date specified in the decree.

According to the text under analysis in the House of Representatives, these housing contracts will also be exempted from financial penalties and late payment fees, without any additional burdens on the beneficiaries when payment resumes.

Those who are aware of their contractual obligations up to 60 days before the recognition of the public disaster will be entitled to receive the benefit. The extension may be extended at the request of the registration holder or his legal representative.

The project is final and will be analyzed by the national integration and regional development committees; Finance and taxes; The constitution, justice and citizenship.

For the proposal to become law, it must be approved by the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Source: Camara Agency

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