Poles do not believe that the country is ready for a new crisis. According to the United Surveys survey for RMF FM and “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, the majority of respondents believe that Poland is not adequately prepared for the outbreak of another epidemic.
52 percent of respondents believe that Poland is not adequately prepared for the outbreak of another epidemic – results of a survey by United Surveys for RMF FM and “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”. 28.1% were of the opposite opinion. respondents. 19.8 percent of respondents had no opinion on this matter.
When asked whether the country is prepared for the outbreak of another epidemic, The option “definitely yes” was chosen by 3% of respondents. On the other hand 23.5 percent of respondents answered “definitely not”.
It is important to note that the distribution of responses varies depending on the political views of those interviewed.
Among voters of the ruling coalition (Civic Coalition, Third Way and Left) 40% gave an affirmative answer. intervieweesincluding the “definitely yes” option chosen by 6.6 percent.
A total of 41.4% responded negatively. askedincluding the answer “definitely not” marked by 15.9 percent. 18.6% did not express an opinion. coalition supporters.
In the opposition voter group, i.e. Law and Justice and Confederation, 16.7 percent believed Poland was well prepared.
59.7% were of the opposite opinion. intervieweesincluding the “definitely not” response given by 36.6 percent. Almost one in four people interviewed from this group had no opinion.
Among people who do not declare political preferences 20.1 percent were convinced that Poland was prepared for another epidemic. 62.7% responded negatively. 17.3 percent had no opinion.
The Joint Survey for RMF FM and “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna” was conducted from July 26 to 28 this year on a representative group of 1,000 adults. The study was conducted by the CAWI/CATI method.