Police surrounded the shutdown and arrested 11 people for involvement in a fake payday loan scam

Regina Pierce

Police surrounded the shutdown and arrested 11 people for involvement in a fake payday loan scam

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Civilian police officers from the 52nd DP (Nova Iguaçu) arrested 11 people, this Saturday (28), for committing fake payday loan fraud. According to the company, the arrest occurred in a building, in the Nova Iguaçu Center, in Baixada Fluminense.

According to the investigation, a secret call center operated in the office, where the group carried out the fraud. At the scene, agents confiscated several financial transaction records and scripts about how officers should act to convince the victim to accept the loan. One of them comes from the state of Espírito Santo and claims to have been cheated twice.

The fraud consists of consulting the bank’s customer data, analyzing the available loans and margins, and through telephone contact, defrauding the victim of the expected profits. The person was convinced to transfer the amount to the alleged company’s account, alleging that it was to pay off the initial loan. However, no installments were paid and the victim was responsible for paying the next installment.

According to police officials, employees reported that they knew it was a scam. The detainees were charged because they were caught in the act of a criminal organization.

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