According to the assumptions, financing of the NPP’s equity capital in the amount of approximately PLN 60 billion will be provided as part of the NPP’s recapitalization from the state budget or from treasury bonds – in accordance with the entry into the draft amendment to the Law on the preparation and implementation of investments in nuclear energy. – The financing structure adopted in the (…) business plan (PEJ) assumes that the project will be financed by 30 percent. from equity capital and 70 percent from foreign capital. It was assumed that external financing would be obtained after the owner’s full contribution was made in accordance with the equity first principle – it was written in the government’s list of works.
Atom in Konin falls victim to government document theft
The construction of the second nuclear power plant in Poland is awaiting strategic documents from the government. Work on them is slipping again. This means that the fate of the second nuclear power plant in Poland (except for the government’s plans) is suspended until then.
Financial support for nuclear energy
According to the business plan, it is assumed that public support will be provided in the form of increasing the share capital of the PEJ by making a cash contribution, however, it is also possible to increase the share capital of this company by making a non-monetary contribution – Treasury Bonds.
The draft specifies the mechanism for applying for a share capital increase, decision-making on the form of recapitalisation, the entities involved in the process of share capital increase and the annual limits on state budget expenditures for making a cash contribution. The maximum limit on state budget expenditures for making a cash contribution to increase the share capital of the PEJ will be set in the draft at approximately PLN 60 billion. The support process will require the consent of the European Commission. Negotiations are ongoing.
The remaining amount will have to be obtained from financial institutions, mainly foreign institutions that support exports from countries supplying equipment, including export credit agencies, especially the American export credit agency EXIM Bank. The first power plant is expected to cost a total of PLN 150 billion.