Owner of Trojmiasto.pl, how much does he earn from advertising in 2023?


Owner of Trojmiasto.pl, how much does he earn from advertising in 2023?

Revenues of Trojmiasto.pl decreased year-on-year from PLN 14.57 to PLN 14.54 million, i.e. by 0.2%. In the report, the company noted that the value of commissioned and implemented advertising campaigns and other revenues increased by several percent.

– The beginning of the year was less favorable for the company due to persistent high inflation. The increase in prices for goods and services on the market influenced the company’s operating costs. Adapting to the market situation, Trojmiasto.pl decided to adjust the price list for its services. The market situation also resulted in adjustments to the advertising plans of the company’s clients – it was described.

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Trojmiasto.pl has decided open to advertising from external sources, in a programmatic model. – Unlike direct (manual/direct) advertising based on negotiations, programmatic advertising fills our free advertising spaces fully automatically. This approach helps to streamline processes, maximizing the filling of the advertising space on the site. We cooperate with three leaders of the global and Polish markets. Thanks to the diversification of operators, we can quickly respond to changes in prices and conditions in the markets – it was emphasized.

Trójmiasto.pl has been at the forefront of the most popular regional websites for years. In October last year, it registered 2.56 million users and 11 minutes and 28 seconds of average usage time (data from Mediapanel).

At Trójmiasto.pl, cost optimization and AI

The website publisher’s operating activities cost PLN 13.71 million in 2023, an increase of 1.6% compared to less than a year ago. Expenses for external services increased from PLN 3.84 to PLN 3.92 million, and those related to remuneration decreased from PLN 7.86 million to PLN 7.56 million, and those related to social security and other employee benefits – from PLN 1.48 million to PLN 1.45 million.

– Taking into account the optimization of operating costs, We decided to lay off some external services, the company also decided to make small adjustments in employment – ​​it was noted in the report. The average annual number of full-time positions in the company decreased from 65 to 62.

The company also used artificial intelligence tools. – Dynamic changes in the AI ​​market have resulted in the implementation of more than just GPT Chat in everyday work. Artificial intelligence also supports the moderation of user-written reviews and immediately detects vulgarity and negative comments, as well as assists in moderating reports where users post unwanted photos, including those with erotic connotations. AI-based overlays automatically block the vast majority of unwanted content – this is calculated.

Other operating income of the publishing house Trójmiasto.pl increased from PLN 9.4 thousand to PLN 148.6 thousand. PLN (mainly thanks to the sale of fixed assets) and financial costs (mainly interest) decreased from PLN 235.7 thousand to PLN 47.3 thousand. zloty.

Operating profit increased from PLN 648.8 thousand to PLN 980.6 thousand. PLN and net profit – from PLN 339.3 thousand to PLN 741.2 thousand (with an increase in the amount of income tax paid from PLN 116.4 thousand to PLN 216.5 thousand). The company’s president, Michał Kaczorowski, and vice-president, Agnieszka Bomba, as shareholders, decided that last year’s profit would go entirely to their reserve capital.

What results will Trójmiasto.pl achieve in 2024? – In the first quarter of the year, some private clients and companies refrained from investing, which resulted in a decrease in sales of advertising products. However, the situation improved significantly from quarter to quarter. We anticipate that unless other factors negatively affect the economy occur, the financial situation of our company will remain at the current level, which is satisfactory for us, the report states.

In the chart below, the current financial year is 2023 and the previous one is 2022

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