OUR INTERVIEW. Warchoł: Bodnar’s neo-prosecutor’s office is falling apart


OUR INTERVIEW. Warchoł: Bodnar’s neo-prosecutor’s office is falling apart

“This is further proof that this case is exclusively political in nature,” Marcin Warchoł said in an interview with wPolityce.pl, commenting on the attempt to exclude Judge Dziwański.

wPolityce.pl: How do you assess this attempt by the PK to exclude Judge Dziwański from the consideration of the complaint against the refusal to apply pre-trial detention to Deputy Minister Romanowski?

Marcin Warchoł: This is further proof that this is a purely political matter. After all, if the evidence of guilt, as the prosecutor argues, were really so strong and unequivocal, the Public Prosecutor’s Office would first ask the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to waive the immunity. But it is clear that they have no convincing legal arguments and are only counting on the judge’s political favour.

And PK was afraid of the lack of such favor that he wanted to change judges?

Their problem is that with such bad cards, they have to count on cheating in this game. And I am not even surprised by them, because they have already succeeded twice in the case of Father Michał Olszewski. The first time, a politician, deputy minister of justice in the previous government of Donald Tusk, decided to imprison him. And the second time was decided by a judge whose husband has been prosecuted for financial crimes by prosecutors since the time of Minister Zbigniew Ziobro. At that time, these judges were not removed from the case, although it was obvious and clear to everyone that they could not be considered impartial in this case. But this did not bother the prosecutors, nor Minister Adam Bodnar, nor the delighted and smiling journalists and politicians.

But Judge Dziwański is already disturbing Bodnar’s prosecutor’s office. Why?

Formally, it is about “the occurrence of circumstances that justify doubts as to the impartiality of a judge hearing a specific case”. That is what the law says. For the prosecutors in Bodnar, however, the fact that the judge is a minister in the Tusk government was not such a circumstance, but rather the fact that the judge was appointed by the National Council of the Judiciary, the legality of which is questioned by the December 13 Coalition, and is said to have opinions favourable to Minister Ziobro. After all, this is pure politics, which prosecutors are not allowed to practice under penalty of dismissal from the profession. The National Council of the Judiciary is a legal state body, and as far as opinions are concerned, Judge Dziwański recently confirmed the discontinuation of the case of the attack on the anti-abortion van, which was publicly criticised by Minister Ziobro. Therefore, the attempt to remove this judge should be seen as a manifestation of panic within the Bodnar prosecutor’s office.

They see that judges, even those who were previously favorable to them, are beginning to reject their requests. This was the third time in the case of the priest and the ministry employees – the judge, who could hardly be considered an enthusiast of Zbigniew Ziobro, decided to put an end to the arrests. And she dealt harshly with the accusations. Bodnar’s illegal actions and political accusations are no longer acceptable even to the justice judges involved. And what about independent ones like Judge Dziwański. Bodnar’s neo-prosecutor’s office is falling apart…

no. Jehovah’s Witness

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